Blood tests
What we measure is tailored to your profile and specific needs; no unnecessary tests.Chest pain
Cardiovascular screening in subjects with chest pain or discomfortWe can offer:
Diabetes is recognized as a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease.We can offer:
Driver's license / Pilot's license
We can offer:
The echocardiogram is a test that uses echo or ultrasound to examine the heart, its structures (the heart muscle and valves) and its function. Sometimes the patient who comes to the clinic would like to pass this test or it's his GP who so wishes.When the cardiologist assesses the patient, he is able to decide if this test is necessary. If this is the case, the clinic organizes the appointment to have this test done in a hospital or privately according to the wishes of the patient.
Cardiovascular Screening in Subjects With High Blood Pressure (Hypertension)We can offer:
Palpitations / arrhythmias / loss of consciousness
Palpitations? Irregular heartbeat? Fainting episodes?We offer:
We have 2 types of recorders for identifying arrhythmias : the Cardiac Memo and the HOLTER
What distinguishes us from several other clinics that offer this test is that we are a cardiology clinic and this is our specialty.The stress test evaluates your physical capacity as well as your blood pressure and heart rate response to exercise.
The electrocardiogram during exercise is a time-honored means of screening for significant narrowing or blockage of the arteries that feed the heart. It may also identify arrhythmias on exercise.
The cardiologist supervises each exercise test which is performed in a pleasant and secure environment with state-of-the-art technology with our nurse technician who has a strong background in cardiac intensive care.
Our cardiologist gives you feedback and recommendations immediately after the test.
Cardiovascular screening
For a cardiovascular evaluation.
If you have any symptoms of pain or discomfort in the chest or palpitations or unusual shortness of breath.
If you have any symptoms of pain or discomfort in the chest or palpitations or unusual shortness of breath.
If you are concerned about cholesterol, hypertension or diabetes.
If you have a family history of heart disease.
If you are anxious about doing exercise.
If you have a family history of heart disease.
If you are anxious about doing exercise.